in the main text

This website is the official e-government website of Korea.

The Whole view images
The Whole view
  • Location

    In the Gunsan 2 National Indestrial Complex, Gunsan-si, Jeollabuk-do

  • Area


  • Period

    Oct 2000-0ct 2005


  • Create a favorable environment for foreign investments to respond to the changing global economic environment
  • Build a stronghold to advance into the Yellow Sea markets
  • Revitalize the economy of Jeollabuk-do and promote balanced national development


A table that can check the Location, Duration, Total working expenses, Operation, Main Features
Location Inside the Gunsan 2 National Industrial Complex,
Area : 1,256,000㎡
Duration Oct. 2000 ~ Oct. 2005
Total working expenses 188.4 billion won(land : 115.0billion won, Facilities : 73.4billion won)
Operation Leasing land or buildings for free or at a low price after government purchase (Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy)
Main Features
  • An international deregulated area that promotes global standards like free marketing and sales activities
  • An area where manufacturing, logistics/distribution and trade are interactively connected
  • An area where the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy (Administrative Agency of Free Trade Zone office) moves in and gives preferential treatment to foreign investments, providing a one-stop service that includes construction permits
  • Emerges as a Mecca of the automotive and machinery industries backed by the Automotive Parts Innovation Center and parts manufacturers in the nearby industrial complex including GM KOREA and Hyundai Motor Company